Want to grab your clients’ words in a hassle-free way, and get lots of good quotes in 15 minutes?

My framework shows you how to steer short conversations with clients, so you get 5-10 video clips within 15 minutes.  Create the space where your ‘interviewee’ feels relaxed enough to be themselves, describing your value in a human way, that draws in your target audience. 

Use this approach on any platform that lets you record video meetings. Do it remotely and save everyone time, money and effort - and without the intrusion of a videographer.

This is for you, if you’re serious about marketing and need a smarter way to get testimonials because:

  • you hate chasing clients to produce something for you

  • you’re disappointed by the generic testimonials you get back

  • the ones you have are old and don’t work for your target audience

You worry your website’s not pulling its weight when it comes to warming new leads

But there is another way, and my Richest 15 Framework shows you how. 

Learn to lead a short chat with a client and you’ll get:

  • More authentic content, because a real person is describing the difference you make with genuine feeling.

  • More memorable content, because you’ve captured the details that your audience will relate to and remember.

  • More relevant content, because you’ve covered the points you need to make about benefits and outcomes.

More authentic, memorable, relevant and... well, just MORE. Up to 10 quotes in 15 minutes

And when you record a quick chat, it means your client isn’t spending hours writing something for you. Or feeling guilty when they don't. Or resentful when you chase them about it. 

When you wrap everything up within 15 minutes, they’ll come away with a good impression, and you’ll get content that leaves a deeper one. 

Why I know this works

I’ve used this framework for the hundreds of conversations I’ve led over 35 years: first at the BBC and, since 2011, with dozens of businesses and charities. 

Because of my live broadcasting background, I know that when you put someone at ease, and add a dash of ‘on air’ adrenalin, you come away with content that leaps off the page.  

It has raw and real energy, because it’s not scripted or rehearsed and it's up against the clock. It doesn’t involve endless retakes that eat into your time. 

This is not about big budget, feature film-type content. Highly produced videos are brilliant if you have the money and team to do them. But you might not...

The Richest 15 Framework is about helping you to create good video content, regularly, efficiently and enjoyably. Even when you’re under pressure to do more with less. 

In this case, less is more.

What you get

A route map that will lead you to the content gems you need

  • An overview of the framework: 4 clear steps to guide you through all your testimonial calls, from start to finish

  • 4 videos, on how to apply the framework step by step, featuring an 8-minute chat with one of my clients

  • All the video clips I extracted from the call: proof that you can get 5 to 10 quotes in the space of 15 minutes

  • Unedited recording of the whole chat, so you can see how it flows and swipe my interviewing techniques

  • An example of how I've used the video clips and written quotes as part of the client's story

  • Downloadable summary of the Framework, so you've got it to hand for your next conversation

  • Free updates of all future versions of The Richest 15 Framework.

"I need people to talk about my business in their voice. Miranda's the person to help me do that."

Your guarantee

If you buy The Richest 15 Framework and you don’t find it full of useful and actionable advice, email me. I’ll refund you right away. No problem.

'Draw those emotional hooks'

Amanda Cooney, Marketing Manager, PET, Progress Educational Trust

"The difference between a pedestrian and sterile interview, and something with a bit of wow factor, can just be a matter of timing or a very small phrase. What Miranda is really good at, is drawing from the interviewees those emotional hooks; those little phrases that take the interview from just being a cool delivery of facts, to something that really plucks at the heartstrings. She's very good at that."

'A more human language'

Roy Barker, Director, Spike, Data and Insights

"Miranda's approach – talking to clients – gives us a more human language. We've been doing this stuff for years. We tend to lose the real benefit of it because we get too involved and use too many buzz words. And they don't have currency, do they? They’re just cliches which don't bring home the benefit of what we do. I don't think I've seen work from ad agencies that is as insightful as what Miranda is doing – genuinely."

Love an easier and more enjoyable way to capture your clients’ stories?

Start today, with this framework to guide you