Is this you?

You’re in marketing, under pressure to do more with less. 

You know that recording short video chats with colleagues and clients is a smart way to create content. Easier than chasing them to produce something for you – something you’ll have to change anyway, because it’s too long or technical, and won’t land with your audience. 

You want to up your game: make more content by doing more interviews and making the most of every minute you record.      

I can help

I’ve led hundreds of conversations for more than three decades:  24 years at the BBC, where I produced programmes like Woman’s Hour and Desert Island Discs on Radio 4, and presented and reported in BBC Local Radio. 

I’ve been an independent consultant Since 2011, working with organisations to create content that leaves a deeper impression.    

The journalist in me will help you spot new angles to your ideas, find different ways to repurpose your content and structure everything so it hooks and keeps your audience. 

And if you’re nervous about your next call, use my live presenting experience to dry run your interview, so you ace it on the day.  

How else can I help?

  • You need fresh eyes to check you've got as many quotes as possible from your last recording, and that you haven't missed the best bits.

  • You're lost creating longform content from your interviews. You want help to nail the narrative, so it lands with your audience.

  • You've done lots already and can’t wait to leave your comfort zone. Longer interviews on more complex topics? Higher profile speakers? Several guests at once? Bring it on. I'm with you all the way.

‘Miranda makes it feel easy, normal and like you’re not imposing on your clients’

How it works

Step 1: A short Zoom call, 1-2 weeks before your session, to brief me and give me any material you want me to look over. Like the questions and structure for your next interview, or up to 15 minutes of a recording you’ve done already. 


Step 2: Your hour-long Richest 60 Zoom call with me, to give you the tools and confidence to nail every interview from now on. 


Step 3: Video and audio recordings of both calls: your permanent coaching resource to refer back to whenever you want. 


Remember, it's your call

It’s up to you what we focus on. Here are more ideas on how you can use your session to get even better:

  • Practise your questions out loud, get feedback in a safe space and build your confidence for the real thing.

  • Structure your interviews so you reach the relevant bits fast, bagging what you need, even if your call is cut short.

  • Hone your listening skills, so you spot when your interviewee is going off on a fruitful tangent... and avoid that dead end.

  • Learn how to put people at ease quickly, so they relax into being their best selves as you record.

  • Check one of your 15-minute recordings, to make sure you’ve made the most of every single second.

Your guarantee

If, after your Richest 60 Session, you believe you haven't come away with actionable advice, email me. I’ll refund you right away. No problem.

"The techniques Miranda gave us have served us really well in doing interviews on our own.”

Sarah Norcross, Director of PET, Progress Educational Trust.

“I've learned how to make interviewees relax, and how to let the conversation run on. It's when you allow people to run on that the interview develops and you get things that aren't in your plan. Just because they're not on your plan doesn't mean that they're not valuable. Sometimes it's those things that actually are the most valuable in the end. And through her personality and her great experience, Miranda instils confidence in you and your team. She also makes the training seem simple and that is really hard to do. Simple is difficult! "